Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Coffee Place

Things are going better for me so far this quarter.  It's a new year which means a new spirit.  Well, not really, it just seemed like a good thing to shoot for.  As of this moment, I'm content.  I'm just sitting in a coffee shop with my friend and we're working on homework and chatting.  These are the times that I like Seattle U, but then there are the weekends or days like my last weekend.  I watched 2 seasons of Grey's Anatomy, ate a box of pizza pockets, and an entire bag of dove chocolates.  Sometimes I'm just too anti-social for my own good.  Other times, I want to be social, but I'm just really bad with people skills.  
I do think that I'll  stay at the school for at least another year.  If I still don't like it, I'll transfer after that, but I really like the location and Seattle in general.  I think if I just work on putting myself out there more and meeting new people I'll be a lot happier.